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The Comeback
CCO: Rafael Urenha
ECD: Carlos Schleder
CD: Guzera
CW: Victor Capato
AD: Rodrigo Bonfim
🏆 Shortlist in "Best TV Spot" at Globo's Profissionais do Ano 2024
From Flop to a Whole Bop!
We brought back McFish to McD restaurants and people went nuts. With a bold and huge campaign storytelling, we managed to sell 11x above the predicted only IN THE FIRST DAY.
Guess that Brazilians love our fishy sandy.
First, we teased McFish Lovers with OOHs
Then, our castaway sandwich
showed up in the sands of Bahia.

Finally, after pre-selling almost 100K McFish on our app, we launched
our Hero Spot along with the sandwich.
A blast.
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